Initiated amendments to the GhIE Constitution and Bye-Laws making Women in Engineering and Youth in Engineering constitutional bodies (Groups of Strategic Interest).
Initiated the GhIE Recognition and Awards Policy
Initiated and established the framework for the GhIE Fund (yet to be implemented)
Initiated and established the framework for the GhIE Industrial Placement Programme (yet to be implemented)
Contributed to advancing the setup of the ADR Centre (implementation on-going).
First batch of ADR training completed
Rules for the Centre have been produced
Funds for conversion of library to E-Library and ADR Centre secured.
Introduced the independent evaluation of performance of Council.
Introduced mandatory activities for Branches and Technical Divisions to make them vibrant.
Initiated the development of a branding manual and guidelines
Produced the GhIE profile document
2. Financial and Administration
Actual income grew from GHC 2,947,662.68 in 2021 to GHC 7,648,859.54 in 2024
Implemented the Earmarked Fund constitutional provision.
Implemented the transfer of all Full Members with 15 years’ experience and more before the coming into force of the 2017 Constitution to their respective senior classes as per constitution.
Introduced monthly member updates, now replaced by the newsletter.
Initiated the move towards green events by reducing the use of paper
Started digitilisation across GhIE operations:
Deployed systems and green computing for optimization of some processes.
Launched the membership portal, enabling seamless interactions and efficient subscription management.
Initiated the signing of an MOU with PMI for members to benefit from their resources, discounted fees for their programmes and joint organisation of programmes.
3. Membership
Implementation of the Professionalization of Artisans (ProfArts) project in partnership with GIZ
Professionalizing over 500 artisans in 2021 and 1,105 artisans by 2023, within Accra, Kumasi, Takoradi, and Tamale.
Partnered with GIZ to develop and launch of the ProfArts App to connect certified artisans with clients (training on use of App ongoing).
During the period our membership in good standing grew from 3,224 to 6,013.
Partnered Fabrimetal to train 405 Craftsmen, in Kasoa, Takoradi and Tamale.
4. Advocacy and Industry Influence
Initiated dialogues with industry on
Building collapses
Safety on the Accra-Tema motorway
Akosombo spillage in 2023
Lithium Contract
Initiated media statements on
Mistreatment of Ashanti Regional ECG Manager
5. Events
Successfully organised Africa Engineering Week and Conference in October 2021
Successfully organized the Annual General Meetings and Conferences from 2022 to 2024.
Supported the organisation of engineering excellence awards 2022 and 2024.
Introduced golf tournament and games as part of conference activities
Successfully organised Ethics & Leeadership Lecture Series 2022, 2023, 2024
Initiated the GhIE / Professor Boateng Annual Lectures and supported the organisation of the inaugural lecture in May 2024
Initiated the GhIE Sponsor’s Soiree, the first being held in November 2024: through which assurances were received for sponsorship of a bus and a lift at the engineering centre.